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公司名称: Zhaoqing City Hengyi Spray Equipment Co .,Ltd. 
所在省份: 广东 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: High-quality, durable, and non-allergenic,
these industry-standard silicone bracelets
are the perfect choice for your message.  
公司简介: To bring our clients the highest quality
silicone products at the best prices, our
blank wristbands, slap bands, dual layer
bands, rings, key chains, and other products
are molded and shipped from our factory ,his
allows us to offer reasonable rush pricing
and not require a minimum order on the most
popular laser debossed or laser embossed
products. Our trained staff members create,
fulfill, and ship your product right from
our facility. Molded debossed, embossed,
screen printed, and ink fill products are
produced by us, but can still be delivered
in 10-12 business days or less. 
Zhaoqing City Hengyi Spray Equipment Co .,Ltd. / 广东 / 肇庆市端州区睦岗镇大洲向南村新区14号首层 (526020 ) / 电话:86-0758-2773860

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